The Liebster Award


My new wordpress friend, loladiamond01 , nominated me for the Liebster Award!! I want to thank her because she was so sweet and kind to me on the first days of my blog (which was less than a week ago!). Her story follows the legacy of the Rosenthal family which is full of mystery and drama. The characters are really unique and inspiring, and the story draws you right in!

The rules are:

  • Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you.
  • Nominate people (comment on their blog to let them know).
  • Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions

My answers to her questions:

1. Is there any song you are addicted to right now? If so, then what is it?

Hmmm..tough question! Right now I’d say “Alice Cooper – Only my heart talking”. I’ve made a playlist of power ballads to draw inspiration from -for my story- and I really got hooked with this particular song!

2. Do you prefer to work in the silence or do you put on music when you write?

If I’m looking for inspiration, I always listen to music. Otherwise, if I have something very specific in my mind to do, I prefer silence because then I find music distracting πŸ™‚

3. Do you prefer writing about female or male characters? Why?

I love both! Please don’t make me choose!!! πŸ˜€

4. What length is your hair?

It’s always somewhat long, should I say chest-length? I think I’ve had the same hairstyle for more than 10 years lol! (except for a a couple of years ago when I had some -unfortunate- bangs)

5. Do you like reading? If so, do you prefer short books or longer stories?

I really like reading and I prefer both for different reasons. A good long story can draw you in and make you not want to do anything else for days, but there’s something powerful in a well-written short story that a longer one doesn’t have.

6. How long have you been writing about your sims’ lives?

Less than a week! I wanted to do it for a really long time though, but I guess the story that I’m writing right now made me take that first step forward.

7. Do you prefer staging your story or going with the flow and seeing what happens in game? I’m not asking which one you do, just which one feels better to do and satisfies you more.

I like both, but sometimes I really love the hilarious results of random gameplay. So, while I do love staging stories, I’d have to go with the second choice.

8. Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?

Yes!! Oh how many times I’ve read my posts over and over again in order to find the tiniest mistakes or omissions..!

9. A pool or the sea? Or you don’t like water?

Always the sea! A pool doesn’t come together with a beach, does it? πŸ™‚

10. Which one do you like more- warm or cold weather?

Definitely warm, I’m a summer person!

11. What is your dream job?

I’d really want to do something creative, where I work from home and handling my own hours. My dream when I was a kid was -still is- to write and design my own video games (yep, I’m a major geek).

My nominations:


Lila Remonn

Rosemary Castevet

I am sorry that the nominations are very few, but I just started with the blog and I have read so few stories for now! Also, if you have been nominated already, feel free to not answer (seriously lol)!

My questions to you:

  1. Is there any foreign place that you’ve visited where you said “I could live here”?
  2. Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
  3. Where do you draw your inspiration from for your stories?
  4. How do you feel when your sims die?
  5. Are you a cat or a dog person? Or do you prefer other kinds of animals?
  6. Love or hate the outdoors?
  7. What do you consider you greatest achievement until now?
  8. Do you prefer watching movies or series? Or nothing at all?
  9. What is you favorite music genre?
  10. What is your favorite food?
  11. What is your favorite color?

23 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

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  1. Aww, thank you so much. I agree with you on the books subject πŸ˜€ I’m a perfectionist, too. Oh, by the way did you know that Freddie and Maddie both had perfectionist trait and then in one of the songs I found the line “Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Perfect together they cannot be and that’s the thing you had to deal with when you fell in love with me”. I feel like I’m rambling again, but I found this so accurate.
    Congratulations, you deserve it! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello there! I thought I’d stop by and say hi to my new follower… Hi *waves hand* and welcome to the sims community, Sempreviva! I have to ask – are you Italian by any chance?
    I was just wondering… πŸ™‚
    Have a great day and thank you for following my blog!
    I hope you’ll enjoy my story,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Kate! It’s so nice to meet you, I really love this community! πŸ™‚ I’m actually Greek, so not so far really πŸ™‚ I chose my name from a little flower that grows on an island I go to every summer which has many italian influences -hence the name πŸ™‚ Are you from Italy? Thanks again for your welcome, I really hope to catch up on your story (I love that it starts at Monte Vista) ❀

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      1. I had no idea there was a flower with this name, that’s so sweet! No, I’m not Italian, I come from the Czech Republic, but have been living in Italy for the past seven years… and you’re welcome! It’s always nice to see a new reader enjoy my story. Speaking of which, I should go and work on the next update, but first, I want to browse through your blog πŸ™‚

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      1. You know, they are people from Britain here, too, but their first language is still English. Sometimes I feel like I’d way better had I written it in my first language, but this way you can all enjoy it and I can keep messing some words with the others, lol. I can’t believe you now only have gen. 3 to go, that’s Prologue and 5 chapters so far, I’m so proud of your catching up, you’re amazing ❀️

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        1. Aww I’m really enjoying your story!! ❀ So it's a good thing you wrote it in english because otherwise I wouldn't understand a word lol!! πŸ˜€ I'm really looking forward to see what the future holds for the Rosenthal family, the only downside now is that I will not be able to read chapter after chapter! πŸ™‚

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          1. Thank you so much, you’re so sweet and supportive. I’m astonished you’rr not tired reading so many posts a day, lol. I always post on Saturdays at 3 pm, so it’s 1 hour later for you ❀️ But yeah, you will not be able to know immediately what happens after my cliff hangers, lol.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations! It’s always nice to see a good story (even if it’s still new) get some recognition.

    I totally understand being a perfectionist. Here’s my secret. Don’t look back. Seriously, don’t reread your old work (that’s been published) over and over. By all means, reread it, but don’t get hung up. It’s already out there now, for all the world to see. Correct spelling errors, but nothing else. Don’t edit your history, just learn from it. Take advice and criticism, and keep moving forward.

    Here’s to hoping you stick around in this motley sims community. πŸ˜‰

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